Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wrap up from Great escape.

Thanks to everyone who made it out to the Great Escape show. As it turns out, we didn't quite get the turnout we hoped for. Probably because it was -38C outside, and the Weather people were issueing a deep cold warning, saying if you don't have to go outside don't! (That never helps when you're trying to get a theatre full of people together)

Fortunately we had some great partners on the show - many great sponsors who took out an ad in our program, (in no particular order), Angela Thomson Realtor, Allegra Printing, Barley Mow Pud, Dr Kaboom's mini mobile circus, Ottawa Folklore Centre, the Ottawa School of Speech and Drama, and Knock on Wood Communications and Events. Even the Mayfair worked with us on the event.. Thanks again for all of your support.

We also shot video of our 1pm show - we will be cutting together a new promo reel - that should be out soon.

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